Family Who Plays Together, Wins Together

How Recycling Led to a $1 Million Win

One Michigan family proved that dedication, teamwork, and even a bit of recycling can lead to life-changing rewards. The Winfield family lottery club from Fenton, Michigan, turned their humble habit of collecting spare change from recycled cans into a $1 million Mega Millions prize.

This inspiring story began more than 30 years ago when the family started playing the lottery together. It wasn’t just any ordinary game for them—playing the lottery was a routine fueled by frugality and resourcefulness. After each recycling run, they set aside the money collected from returning bottles and cans. Once they had saved enough, they’d purchase tickets, hoping their unique approach would one day pay off.

Pay off it did in 2024! The Winfield family matched five white balls—8, 17, 40, 60, and 70—one number short of winning a $393 million jackpot in the May 17 draw. Their $1 million second-tier prize however was nothing short of a dream come true.

“I hadn’t even checked the ticket right away,” one family member admitted. “But when I did, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had my husband double-check, and when he confirmed the numbers, we were both in complete shock.”

Their excitement quickly turned into nerves and the the emotions that followed were intense. The family members described feelings of nausea from the sheer adrenaline of the moment. They had to share the news with the other club member, sparking even more joy and disbelief.

From Spare Change to a Life-Changing Moment

The Winfield family’s recent journey to Michigan Lottery headquarters in Lansing to claim their win was a triumphant one. They claimed their prize with plans to invest wisely. The victory wasn’t just about the money—it was about the shared experience, the family bond, and the realization that their long-standing tradition had finally delivered.

“Everyone in our club agrees that winning is a huge blessing,” said Kenneth Baran, the group’s representative. “It still hasn’t fully sunk in.”

The Winfield’s story serves as a reminder of the fun and potential rewards that come from playing the lottery as a family or group. The sense of community and shared hope can be quite fulfilling.

As the Winfield family has shown, sometimes, families that play together do win together. Gather your loved ones, start a new tradition, and maybe someday be holding a winning ticket in your hands.

Purchase your American Mega Millions ticket from anywhere internationally at Lotto Express.